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DPM Decoding Technology in Industrial Applications 2024-05-29 18:35:18

What is DPM

DPM is the English abbreviation of Direct Part Mark (Direct Part Mark). DPM represents a printing technology. DPM can also be called  direct product marking.

It is used to mark parts in the mechanical and electronic industry using laser dot etching and other methods, mostly with QR codes. The most commonly used type of barcode is the dataMatrix QR code.

Data matrix scanner

Direct Part Mark Main Applications:

The DPM code is a fixed part of the product and can be identified throughout the product's life cycle. When the parts are in adverse or harsh environmental conditions and other identification methods cannot be used, "direct part marking" can achieve permanent part tracking.This achieves the purpose of reducing downtime, overhead and costs while improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

This kind of datamatrix codes are used in a variety of industries, including aerospace, component marking, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, defence, mail and print media, as these organizations often run complex operations where tracking and traceability are critical.

DPM code application

DPM codes Advantage:

The dataMatrix QR code has large coding capacity, high density, and high information security. The minimum size is the smallest among the left and right code systems. Therefore, the dataMatrix 2D barcode has become the most commonly used barcode type for DPM codes.

 position coding

DPM codes

Data Matrix 2D barcode also has the following characteristics:


1. The encodeable character set includes all ASCII characters and extended ASCII characters, a total of 256 characters.

2. Barcode size (excluding blank area): 10×10 ~ 144×144

3. Data capacity: 2235 alphanumeric data, 1556 8-bit data, 3116 digital data.

4. Error correction: Use the Reed-Solomon algorithm to generate polynomial calculations to obtain error correction codes. Different sizes should use different numbers of error correction codes.


Although it can store a large number of characters, far more than most 1D barcodes, Data Matrix codes still have an overall character limit and cannot be read with traditional 1D barcode scanners.

A professional DPM code reader is required to read.

SFT 4G android DPM barcode scanner model SF3506 can effectively read DPM codes

Direct Part Mark scanner

Product Description:

Advanced DPM decoding technology, standard multi-angle light source lighting, and dedicated ring light source for multi-angle fill light.

Extremely reliable way to read the most challenging direct part mark (DPM) codes

Powerful decoding technology for handheld high-speed and accurate reading of DPM

Significantly reduces the visual inspection process, making operations more efficient and traceable

Product Features:

Advanced DPM decoding technology, standard multi-angle light source lighting, and dedicated ring light source for multi-angle fill light.

Extremely reliable way to read the most challenging direct part mark (DPM) codes

Improve work efficiency, significantly reduce visual inspection processes, and reduce work errors

Improve the accuracy of product traceability across all manufacturing processes

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