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SFT Biometric IRIS Fingerprint and Palm Vein solution company resume work notice

2023-02-01 11:25:58

SFT Biometric IRIS Fingerprint and Palm Vein solution company resume work from 31st, January, 2023. Among the year around, SFT would consistantly offer the worldwide clients wonderful OEM and ODM services as well as super high quality Biometric IRIS Terminals; Biometric Palm vein solutions; Biometric Fingerprint tablets; Android Financial POS; Biometric POS; and Rugged industrial UHF Meter reading PDAs etc.

Let's work together for a prosperous and mutual benefit business. Any of your inquiries are highly appreciated.

Mini 4G POS

Android POS

Android Financial  biometric POS

Biometric Tablet for agency banking

Outdoor High end Fingerprint tablet

IP68 Windows Biometric Tablets

Handheld Android UHF Meter reading PDAs

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